Commands stOrm jabber bot

Newest commands are here.
Shows the access level specified nickname.
-100 - complete ignore all messages from from such user at kernel level
-1 - can not do anything
0 - a very limited number of commands and macros, automatically assigned as visitor
10 - standard set of commands and macros, automatically assigned participant
11 - extended set of commands and macros (such as access to !!!), automatically assigned as member
15 (16) - moderator set of commands and macros, automatically assigned as moderator
20 - admin set of commands and macros, automatically assigned as admin
30 - owner set of commands and macros, automatically assigned as owner
40 - not implemented for all commands, allows the user access to some commands and leave th bot from the conferences
100 - bot admin, all commands are allowed
Categories: access, admin, all
Use: access [nick]
>> access
>> access guy
Necessary level of access: 0

Set or remove local access for a particular nickname.
Write without level after the nick to remove the access, required the bot rejoin conference. If the third parameter "forever" specified, the change take place forever, otherwise the access dissapear when the bot rejoin the conference
-100 - complete ignore all messages from from such user at kernel level
-1 - can not do anything
0 - a very limited number of commands and macros, automatically assigned as visitor
10 - standard set of commands and macros, automatically assigned participant
11 - extended set of commands and macros (such as access to !!!), automatically assigned as member
15 (16) - moderator set of commands and macros, automatically assigned as moderator
20 - admin set of commands and macros, automatically assigned as admin
30 - owner set of commands and macros, automatically assigned as owner
40 - not implemented for all commands, allows the user access to some commands and leave th bot from the conferences
100 - bot admin, all commands are allowed
Categories: access, admin, all
Use: set_access [permanen]
>> set_access guy 20
>> set_access guy 30 permanen
Necessary level of access: 15

Set or remove global access for a particular nickname.
Write without level after the nick to remove the access.
Categories: access, superadmin, all
Use: globacc
>> globacc guy 100
>> globacc guy
Necessary level of access: 100

Join conference, if there is a password write that password right after the name of conference.
Categories: superadmin, muc, all
Use: join [pass=12345] [reason]
>> join
>> join *VICTORY*
>> join pass=12345 *VICTORY*
Necessary level of access: 100

Leave conference.
Categories: admin, muc, all
Use: leave [reason]
>> leave sleep
>> leave sleep
>> leave
Necessary level of access: 30

Includes certain commands for current conf.
Categories: admin, muc, all
Use: common [commadns]
>> common version
>> common poked disko version ping
Necessary level of access: 20

Disconnects certain commands for current conf, without parameters shows the list of already power-off commands.
Categories: admin, muc, all
Use: commoff [commands]
>> commoff
>> commoff version
>> commoff poked disko version ping
Necessary level of access: 20

search in google.
Categories: fun, all
Use: google
>> search something
>> google something
Necessary level of access: 0

Show detail information about a certain command.
Categories: help, info, all
Use: help [command]
>> help
>> help ping
Necessary level of access: 0

Shows a horoscope for the indicated sign of horoscope. All of signs are a "horoscope signs".
Categories: info, fun, all
Use: horoscope [sign]
>> horoscope libra
>> horoscope virgo
Necessary level of access: 0

Shows how long a user is nonactive.
Categories: info, muc, all
Use: idle
>> idle guy
Necessary level of access: 10

Shows the amount of users being in a conference.
Categories: info, muc, all
Use: here
>> here
Necessary level of access: 10

Invite of the specify user into a conference.
Categories: muc, all
Use: invite [nick/JID] [reason]
>> invite guy
>> invite
>> invite important
Necessary level of access: 30

Add local macro. Self macro must be celled in `` !!!
Categories: admin, macro, all
Use: macroadd [name] [`macro`]
>> macroadd glitch `say /me thought, that all of glitch`
Necessary level of access: 20

Add macro globally. Self macro must be celled in `` !!!
Categories: superadmin, macro, all
Use: gmacroadd [name] [`macro`]
>> gmacroadd glitch `say /me thought, that all of glitch`
Necessary level of access: 100

Delete local macro.
Categories: admin, macro, all
Use: macrodel [name]
>> macrodel glitch
Necessary level of access: 20

Delete macro globally.
Categories: superadmin, macro, all
Use: gmacrodel [name]
>> gmacrodel glitch
Necessary level of access: 100

Expand local macro, ie. look at the finished macro raw.
Categories: admin, macro, info, all
Use: macroexp [name] [parameter]
>> macroexp admin bot
Necessary level of access: 20

Open the local macro, ie. just to look the macro. To see all the macro names insted write some macro "allmac" without quotes.
Categories: admin, macro, info, all
Use: macroinfo [name]
>> macroinfo glitch
>> macroinfo allmac
Necessary level of access: 20

Open the global macro, ie. just to look the macro. To see all the macro names insted write some macro "allmac" without quotes.
Categories: superadmin, macro, info, all
Use: gmacroinfo [name]
>> gmacroinfo glitch
>> gmacroinfo allmac
Necessary level of access: 100

List of macros.
Categories: help, macro, info, all
Use: macrolist
>> macrolist
Necessary level of access: 10

Change access in certain local macro.
Categories: admin, macro, all
Use: macroaccess [macro] [access]
>> macroaccess glitch 10
Necessary level of access: 20

Change access in certain macro globally.
Categories: superadmin, macro, all
Use: gmacroaccess [macro] [access]
>> macroaccess admin 20
Necessary level of access: 100

Enable or disable certain filters in a conference.
time is a filter of time
len is a filter of quantitative messages
presence is a filter of presence
like is a filter of identical messages
caps is a filter of сaps (CAPITAL letters)
prsstlen is a filter of long status messages
obscene - filter of censor bahasa Indonesia
fly is a filter of flying (frequent in/out in conference), it has two modes kick or ban, timer 0 to 120 seconds
kicks is autoban after N kicks, a parameter of cnt is an amount of kicks from 1 to 10
idle is a filter of idle that kick kick for silence in conference after N seconds, N = setting time in seconds.
Categories: admin, muc, all
Use: filt [filt] [mode] [status]
>> filt len 1
>> filt len 0
>> filt fly mode ban
Necessary level of access: 20

Ping you or certain nick or server.
Categories: info, muc, all
Use: ping [nick]
>> ping guy
>> ping
Necessary level of access: 0

Translate from one language to another. Via Google Translate engine. Available languages for translation:
af: Afrikaans, ar: Arabic, auto: Determine language, be: Belarusian, bg: Bulgarian, ca: Catalan, cs: Czech, cy: Welsh, da: Danish, de: German, el: Greek, en: english, es: Spanish, et: Estonian, fa: Persian, fi: Finnish, fr: French, ga: Irish, gl: Galician, hi: Hindi, hr: Croatian, hu: Hungarian, id: Indonesian, is: Icelandic, it: Italian, iw: Hebrew, ja: japanese, ko: Korean, lt: Lithuanian, lv: Latvian, mk: Macedonian, ms: Malay, mt: Maltese, nl: Dutch, no: Norwegian, pl: Polish, pt: Portuguese, ro: Romanian, ru: russian, sk: Slovak, sl: Slovenian, sq: Albanian, sr: Serbian, sv: Swedish, sw: Swahili, th: Thai, tl: Filipino, tr: Turkish, uk: Ukrainian, vi: Vietnamese, yi: Yiddish, zh-CN: Chinese
Categories: info, all
Use: trans
>> trans en ru hello
>> trans ru en привет
Necessary level of access: 10

Shows information about a client which utillizes user or server.
Categories: info, muc, all
Use: version [nick\server]
>> version
>> version guy

Necessary level of access: 0