Swapps! All Apps, Everywhere

I have found an awesome Android aplication made by roshga, this app called Swapps!. Here's the explanation about Swapps app.

Swapps! is the altimate tool for multitasking on your android device. With a simple swipe action you can get to any other app you wish.

Swapps! launcher is always there, when you play, read or listen, you can always swipe and switch to another app.

Swapps! Ubuntu inspired app drawerSwapps! Ubuntu inspired app drawerSwapps! Ubuntu inspired app drawer

Swapps! Active Panel is devided into 3 spaces:
  • Starred - Your favorite apps will always be on top for quick access.
  • Recent Used - the last recent applications that you used for quick switching between tasks.
  • All Apps - Full app drawer!
Swapps! features:
  • Swapps! contains full app drawer just like in your home app
  • 'Recently Used' panel contains 5 last apps you opened
  • 'Recently Used' app's background process can be closes by long press on the app
  • 'Starred' panel holds up to 10 of your favorite apps
  • Swapps! is accessible anytime, regardless of which application is currently running, using a simple swipe!
  • Notification icon can be disabled or made transparent in the settings screen.
  • Fully customizable swipe-area (Side, Width, Height)
  • Doesn't affect battery life!!!

How to use Swapps!:
- Swipe your fingure from the edge of the screen to the middle of the screen
- Choose an app that you'd like to launch
It's as simple as that.

*KILL_BACKGROUND_TASKS permission is required to close background processes of recent running apps if the user chooses to.
Download Swapps! from Playstore or check out the original xda thread for more information.